Protecting Texas Families from Preventable Violence
Protecting Texas Families from Preventable Violence (PTFPV) has organized to pass legislation in Texas that would allow sellers to conduct an optional background check on their buyers.
Currently background checks are only available to gun stores and Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders. PTFPV proposes that all private sellers get the same protection and peace of mind.
The outrage toward law abiding gun enthusiasts, collectors and outdoorsmen in the wake of virtually every mass shooting is misdirected.
Pro 2nd amendment rights advocates --law abiding gun enthusiasts, collectors and outdoorsmen -- are just as repulsed by gun violence as everyone else.
Instead of rushing to infringe on 2nd amendment rights, Texas needs to focus on sensible solutions to keep guns out of the wrong hands-- putting the power to sell firearms responsibly in the hands of the public.
This proposed solution is revenue-neutral and independent of government overreach.
This proposal does not infringe on any Constitutional rights-- it is a mechanism by citizens, for citizens, and for the safety of all.
How it would work:
Give the Texas public access to the FFL background check portal.
Require private information to show the buyer’s consent (drivers license number).
Seller runs a free, five minute background check on buyer, then completes transaction.
This bill proposes that the seller be protected from ANY liability stemming from the sale. of their firearm if they have performed the voluntary background check.
Fewer ineligible buyers will be able to purchase firearms, sellers will gain peace of mind, and the public will be safer.
500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158